Computer and Televison Addiction -------------------------------- By Parell-axe of Alienation In a world of rapidly advancing knowledge into the electronical envir- onment, we find ourselves amongst a slight, but noticable problem. The problem as I am sure you are aware is that of people sitting in front of screens either watching people or looking at Sprites and Bobs wizzing around the screen at high speeds. Something that you cannot resist yourself from doing is called an addiction. In this case it is TELEVISION and COMPUTER ADDICTION. Most of us just sit in front of our Amiga`s to play games, some sit to watch demo`s, some use utilities to achieve certain goals and some use their Amiga`s to write tremendous amounts of code so that other people can see what they are capable doing within an assembler. Whatever the reason is, that you sit in front of your Amiga, some of us are aware that we are unable to pull ourselves away from this almighty machine, and some people think that addiction does not exist. Well it does!!!! About 50 per cent of the people who own a computer use it at least one hour a day. 30 per cent use their computers at least Two and-a-half hours a day and 20 per cent use their computer more that 3 hours-a day. This means that an average person out of the 50 per cent group who has a computer from the age of 7 (lets say he`s got an Atari....R.I.P) spends 336 hours or 14 DAYS in front of his computer per year. So by the time he is 40 he would have spent 11088 hours or 462 days or 1 year and 97 days of his life staring despondently at a screen of some sort. WOW!!! With computers it`s mainly the same things you see, demos,utilities, games but television is a much bigger threat to the way that we live. With the introduction of Cable and Satellite TV we now have the option of many more channels and a much wider option of what we watch. You now have the option to see Opera, Sport, Continuous Films, Non stop Music and you can even order shopping through the T.V. So it`s no wonder that we are becoming more dependant on the square screen in the corner of our living rooms. Since we can watch sport instead of participating in it and we can get shopping instead of going out to the shops to get it, we are using less and less energy.In turn this unused energy is stored as fatty deposits aroung the walls of the arteries. If one of these arteries is block or made smaller by these deposits, a number of hazardous effects can arise. e.g Heart Disease or even Heart Attacks. Televisions also give off minute amounts of radiation, and over the years these minute pieces of radiation can amount into enough to start a chain reaction in the cancer cells within each human`s body. So what it really means is that if you watch too much T.V or use computers too much,you will either turn into a mass of fat or you will eventually become a fleshless computer user as you begin to rot away as a result of over using your fingertips and under using your brain and muscles for something more strenuous like sport. I use my computer well over 5 hours a day and I couldn`t careless if I rot away as a result of using my beloved Amiga too much, at least I`ll rot away doing something that I enjoy. So my advice to all you computer and tele- addicts out there is......Sod everyone else....Do what you want to do and If they don`t like it...Tell them to suck on it. If you want to contact ALIENATION then write to: 233 Heronswood Road Welwyn Garden City Herts Or Phone AL7 3JH (0707) 326547. ENGLAND Ask for Phil CODERS, GRAPHICS ARTISTS, MUSICIANS SWAPPERS NEEDED. Kreator - Thanks Phil for that article Sorry, it arrived too late for Dave to include it in the paper mag.